
Retaining the value of your property is an importance to every homeowner. You want to maintain the elements that led you to purchase your house. Home improvements can be an expensive venture, but it’s no surprise that doing certain things, can enhance the value of your home. Over time, your property will need to be given a new lease of life in the form of refurbishment, redecorating or even a large renovation. However, some improvements to your property might make it less attractive to others. According to Bankrate UK’s October survey, 46% of buyers had their prospective property down valued. Many factors such as the location, square footage and local schools can determine the value of a property, but some things are in the homeowner’s control
There are several things that homeowners should avoid as they have a negative impact on the home and the property’s value. From outdated interior to dodgy DIY, we’ve asked Thomas Goodman, property expert at to share the top 7 issues that devalue a property.
1) Poor workmanship
A spot of DIY might seem like an innocent task to do around the house, but after time you’ll be able to tell the difference. Professional work is second to none in quality, when buyers step into your home and agents do a valuation, they will take note of details. Your DIY tiling job might look appealing to you, but amateur work doesn’t have the same finish. Uneven floors, unsafe electrics and poorly fitted kitchen units could all bring down the value of your property. Whilst some jobs can be of high standard, you should always hire a qualified tradesman for areas including plumbing, heating and gas. If these jobs are not completed to a high standard, they may also be a potential hazard.
Completing DIY jobs on the cheap usually backfires in the long term and will only give the potential buyer and surveyor a chance to negotiate on selling price.
2) Dull exterior
The outside of your house is as important as the inside. Your exterior is the first thing people see when they arrive at your door. Estate agents name this as ‘kerb appeal’, if your garden is unkept this will set the tone for the inside of your house. Artificial grass might be a low maintenance option, but it can deter some people away, especially if they are a young family. Broken fences are a common feature of an unkept garden, fences add a sense of privacy to a property, so ensure yours is fixed and solid. Your exterior doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, but vibrant flowers, plant pots and cut grass will make a big difference to the ambience. Take some time to put TLC into your exterior as this is where first impressions are made.
3) Loud interiors
Everyone has their own individual style, but loud interiors might not appeal to all buyers. A bright yellow wall in the kitchen could be comforting for you, but it might portray your room in a different light to others. The way forward is to keep things simple, quirky décor, such as textured wallpaper, is best to be avoided. Embrace neutral colour schemes and opt for warming hues such as light grey and terracotta. They might seem far from exciting, but it’s the best way for surveyors to see the potential and for buyers to imagine themselves residing in your home. It’s the next best thing to a blank canvas.
4) Old kitchens
In terms of properties, kitchens have been revolutionised the most due to technological advances. From the way we cook, to the size of the breakfast bar, they have changed throughout the years. The three most important elements are the tabletops, cabinetry and appliances. A modern kitchen will help to sell a house. It can be expensive to have a complete overhaul and refit the entire unit, but potential buyers might be put off if they must visualise the amount of work they need to do.
The best way is to replace any old-fashioned features such as taps and cabinet doors and reinvent your kitchen back to an original state. Removing personalised features and stripping back to neutral tones will make a big difference. Ensure everything is sparkling clean, especially cooker hoods that can attract a lot of grease.
5) Inconsistent flooring
Flooring can be overlooked, but it’s an integral part of any home. For many buyers, hardwood flooring is top of their list. You can get away with carpet in bedrooms, but when it comes to the main areas of your house, such as hallways and living rooms, consistent hardwood flooring is desired. Carpets are harder to clean, it can also be a breeding ground for hair, especially in households with pets.
The most important tip is to keep everything consistent. One of the worst mistakes people do is having two different types of hardwood flooring in high traffic areas of the house. If you’re going to switch to hard surfaces, ensure you have the budget to cover the investment in all rooms. This will avoid having a variety of different textures and colours throughout your home.
6) Darkened rooms
It’s no surprise that a dark room will instantly shift your mood and feel uninviting. A bright room with plenty of natural light will attract more buyers. If a room is painted in dark shades of blue for example, the room will appear dull, even next to artificial lighting. Try to inject fresh white and plenty of lighting in rooms. Ensure you opt for curtains in these rooms, this will give the natural lighting space to bounce off walls and appear brighter.
7) Replacing bathroom features
In bathrooms, ensure all plumbing is working, clean discoloured limescale and repair any cracked tiles. One common mistake sellers make, is to replace the only bath in your home. Baths are a popular option for many people who like to wind down after a busy day. For people that don’t use a bath, they have opted for a space-saving shower instead. Of course, this can make your bathroom appear bigger, but it can devalue your property if a bathtub is in the criteria of a buyer. A compromise is to free up space in your bathroom by purchasing a bath that combines the two together. This factor also depends on your house, if you reside in a family home with one bathroom, at least one bath is required. However, if you have multiple bathrooms in your home, you can keep one solely for the shower and one for the bath.
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