
As the calendar turns to March, gardeners’ thoughts naturally drift towards the budding possibilities of their outdoor spaces. The early spring months are a critical time for setting the groundwork for a flourishing garden that not only becomes a personal sanctuary but also contributes positively to your home’s curb appeal and value. 

A well-maintained garden can be a significant asset, while a neglected one might detract from your home’s overall worth. Neil Mckenzie, a home expert from Halton Stairlifts tells us how to prepare your garden for the summer, ensuring it’s a vibrant, welcoming space that enhances your property’s appeal.

Outdoor Garden Prep: A Step-by-Step Guide

Clean Up: Begin by clearing away winter debris. Remove any fallen branches, leaves, and other detritus that have accumulated over the colder months. This cleanup is essential for preventing pests and diseases and allows you to assess your garden’s condition.

Soil Care: Test your soil’s pH and nutrient levels. Early spring is the perfect time to amend your garden’s soil with compost or other organic matter. A well-nourished soil base is crucial for healthy plant growth.

Pruning and Trimming: Prune dead or damaged branches from trees and shrubs. Early spring is ideal for this task, as plants are still dormant. Pruning encourages healthier growth and shapes your garden’s overall aesthetic.

Plan Your Planting: Decide what you want to grow and where. Consider the sunlight, soil type, and water requirements of the plants. Early spring is a great time to start hardy annuals or perennials and to plan your vegetable garden layout.

Pest Control: Check for signs of pests or diseases and address them promptly. Early prevention can save you a lot of trouble later in the growing season.

Tool Maintenance: Ensure all your gardening tools are clean, sharp, and in good repair. Well-maintained tools make garden work more efficient and enjoyable.

Mulching: Once the soil has warmed, apply a layer of mulch to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil quality.

Watering System: Check and prepare your irrigation system. Early spring is the time to repair any damages and set up your watering schedule for the upcoming growing season.

Indoor Garden Prep: Rainy Day Activities

If the early March weather isn’t cooperating, there are still plenty of productive ways to engage with your garden indoors:

Seed Starting: Start your seeds indoors. Use this time to germinate seeds in a controlled environment, giving your plants a head start on the growing season.

Garden Planning: Use this time to sketch out your garden layout or to research new plants you might want to introduce this year.

Tool Organisation: Organise your gardening tools and supplies. Ensure everything is clean, sorted, and ready to go when the weather improves.

Education: Dive into gardening books or online resources to learn new techniques or discover new plant varieties. Continuous learning can significantly enhance your gardening skills.

Houseplants: Don’t forget about your indoor garden. Repot, trim, and tend to your houseplants, as they also contribute to your home’s greenery and air quality.

The Impact of a Garden on Home Value

It’s important to note that your garden can significantly impact your home’s marketability and value. A well-kept garden not only provides aesthetic and environmental benefits but also signals to potential buyers that the property is cared for. Conversely, a neglected garden can detract from your home’s appeal, potentially lowering its value. Regular maintenance and thoughtful planning can transform your garden into a standout feature that boosts your home’s attractiveness and worth.

Neil Mckenzie, home expert from Halton Stairlifts says: Early spring is a pivotal time for gardeners. By taking the right steps now, you can lay the foundation for a garden that’s not only a personal retreat but also a valuable asset to your home. Whether you’re working with your hands in the soil or planning from the comfort of your indoors, every action you take brings you closer to the lush, vibrant garden you’ll enjoy all summer long.